Where to Begin?! After the Holidays

Well, Christmas has come and gone.  A whole year of planning and in a matter of minutes it's over.  Last night I was ready to pack everything up.  With my "new energy" - I'm just so excited to get started.  My challenge, going through boxes and boxes of old, broken Christmas decorations.

  The girls were sad to hear me say I wanted to put away the tree and with a little begging, I gave in to leaving the tree up until New Years Day.  But, I can still go up in the attic and start going through Holiday clutter up there.  Should make putting the tree and current decorations easier to put away.

  Another stress after the holidays for me is all of the clutter!  I look around and there are presents in every room.  My girls have taken things here and there and left the boxes and wrapping for me to collect.  I didn't mind the first round but now there are new messes to pick up.  The other problem is, they have so many toys that I can't find a place to put the NEW toys.  I knew this was going to happen.  I even tried to sort through the toys and give or sell some of them.  The girls didn't want to part with anything.  They didn't even want to throw away old barbies that were missing heads! (I have no clue why not.)  Anyways, I think I will do some research and find some storage ideas for all of these toys.  I know there has got to be a better way to put all of these things away!

