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I know I am not the only one who needs motivation from time to time to get up and start cleaning. For me, we have a family of five, and I feel as if I am picking up the same items daily. I lose motivation because it seems like my "job" is never finished!
But, I love the feeling of the house being clean and put together. I mean who wants to have friends or family stop by to see a pile of dishes in your sink or laundry in the baskets waiting to be folded?
So I thought I would share a few tips to help us all get off of our tushes and start cleaning! You'll be thankful that you did!
One thing that keeps me motivated is the "feeling" or message that I am giving my family when they come home. When they open the door, what gift am I giving them? A home full of chaos and clutter? Or a home that is calm, relaxing and inviting. I have even put on classical music when the kids come home from school so that they can unwind a moment. I don't leave it on all night, but, it tends to calm them while they transition from the hustle and bustle of school to being at home. Try to make your home inviting and something to look forward too.
Another motivator, is the old fashioned LIST! I have mentioned this on my Blog before, I make lists of lists. There is something so rewarding when you can cross something off of that list. Now I'm not as crazy as my mom was growing up. She would make a list and time each chore! There is no way that would work for me. As soon as I would miss the first "timed" project I would feel defeated. I just keep it simple so I can continue to encourage myself to reach that end goal of a completed list.
Music! Now that all of my kids are in school, I feel comfortable turning up the radio and making my work more enjoyable while I sing along with the songs and dust. It makes it so much more fun than working in silence and thinking to yourself how much you hate to have to clean the toilets.
Purge as you clean. As you are working in a room, do you see items that you have not touched in years other than to clean around them?! Throw them out or donate them. Over the years, I have found that I didn't want to part with things. "You never know when you might need a broken coffee pot".....um, never maybe? Take the time to sort through some things and just get rid of the clutter. It will make things so much easier in the long run. Sometimes less is more, and I have to remind myself of that.
Keep things simple. Try and do quick cleanups to get started. Then, focus on one room that you want to do heavy cleaning in that day. I am famous for thinking I was going to be Wonder Woman and get my entire house spotless and dinner made before my husband will get home. That, is not possible. I'm not a Stepford Wife or a miracle worker and neither are you. So keep it simple and manageable.
Lastly, light a candle. Sounds odd, but I love it. I will light my favorite candles to bring in a nice smell that comforts me and the little flicker of the flame makes me think of a cozy little fire.
Hopefully this will get you started and you will step back and marvel at your hard work! Don't forget to reward yourself! You deserve it!
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