Bandage Fundraiser

Our Little Boo Boo Bear

I just wanted to take a quick moment and ask for a little help in my attempt to raise a donation of 1,000 boxes of bandages for John Hopkins Children's Hospital in Baltimore, MD.

This past June, my daughter became very ill and Life Flight was called to rush her from our small town to John Hopkins.  She was rushed to ICU and was there for many days.  We were in the hospital for about two weeks.  Thankfully, she seems to be well now.  It definitely scared us.

But during that time, I learned so much.  I witnessed the most amazing gestures to try and make so many little children feel safe and uplifted while they were being treated.  I saw a wide range of issues with these little ones.  It made my heart hurt to see them suffer.

During their stay, they are tired, very ill and extremely scared.  People are in an out of their rooms, needles, machines, Doctors, medicines, surgery.... But, I never realized how much people do in donations to help those children smile a little.  I saw people donate stuffed animals, toys, crafts, colorful pillow cases, blankets....and FUN BANDAGES!

For my little girl, she would break down at times.  Her little veins could not handle all of the medication they were pumping in her, so the IV would fail and we would have to start a new one...often.  Then there was the blood work every so many hours and her chest tube.  When someone would come in the room she knew what it meant and she would cry.  But, something like a book full of fun character bandages would motivate her enough to cooperate and we could do what we needed to do to make sure she was improving.  They were like her little trophies.  She could tell you what she had to do to earn each and every one.  Even when she didn't need them anymore...we kept them on.  When we came home, we were well decorated for sure.

We have been home for some time now, and those bandages still cross my mind.  I would LOVE to donate more bandages to their collection.  The bandages that they had were donated by a local school and so their collection was getting low.  Please support me and my husband in our efforts to support John Hopkins and all the children who are not would mean so much and help that little one muster up just a little more encouragement.

You can find us on Facebook at Boo Boo Bears Bandages   Please LIKE us and SHARE - spread the word.

You can also forward any bandage donations to :

Boo Boo Bears Bandages
PO Box 8033
Salisbury, MD 21802
