My Struggle with Work At Home Time Management

 I have to admit, working from home is WONDERFUL!  Well, most of the time.  There are moments I just want to run away to work and not see the mess in my home - but over all, it's been good to me.  It's not for everyone, but for me and my family it has worked out well.  I was able to be home with my children most of their early years and when they are sick I'm always available for them.  I'm there to send them off to school and right there when they return.  I'm able to provide a home cooked meal every night and a more relaxed feel for the day.  Sounds good in theory, right?!  But, it's also very stressful.  I feel a lot of pressure to be the "Super Mom".  I mean, I'm home all day, my home should be spotless - right.  (Insert delirious laugh here).

  Now that all of my children are in school full time, my husband needs me to produce a bigger pay check to help with the finances.  I do work from home, and I find it tough to get motivated to work at times.  I look around my home and all I see are things that need to be done.  Dishes, laundry, floors, grocery shopping, dinner to be made...let alone the kids rooms!  I just feel defeated, lost, unappreciated...overwhelmed.  How in the WORLD am I supposed to get all of my regular house hold chores done AND put in a productive work week.  Somethings got to give and it seems to be my sanity and patience.

  So, I look to other WAHM's.  I know I'm not the one and only mom to feel this way.  I grab my giant cup of coffee (my reason for living lol) and ponder.  There has got to be a way!  I've decided to take the day off of work and focus on the house, 100%.  However, I think my kids may be surprised.  Some of my cleaning is going to involve garbage bags!

  Here are some of my thoughts in keeping the home running smoothly and keeping what's left of  my sanity!

1.  Delegate.  Somewhere I had it in my head, that since I am a stay at home mom, any chore in the home was MY chore.  Well, that's not true.  I'm only human.  We have a family of 5.  I do everything.  That will have to stop.  So, I'm going to work on a chore list for my children.  They are not newborns, they can chip and and I'm sure it will make them appreciate some of what I do.

2. Make a routine for myself.  I really believe that if I can get myself in a regular routine- things will become easier.  For example, the night before school - pack lunches, book bags and lay out clothes.  Right there would be a time saver and a STRESS REDUCER!  Nothing like knowing that the bus will be here in five minutes and your middle school child "can't find anything to wear"!

3.  Set my office hours.  I am free to work whenever I would like.  However,  I will always talk myself out it.  Because of course, there is house work to be done.  I have to remind myself it will be there when my "work" is finished.  Just keep focused and push on to the job that pays the HEAT! lol

4.  Declutter.  Purge.  That is a huge help right there.  My kids don't like to throw anything out.  My husband, likes to throw it ALL, needless to say.  Hubby loses - but his way of thinking is actually the best way to go.  So, as I clean I am purging.  Now, there are some things that I know are special to the kids so I'm going to bag them up and store them in the attic for a little while.  If they don't notice them missing for a few months, off to be donated they go!

  How do you balance a career at home and daily chores?!  I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
