Spring Cleaning? In the Fall? Why not! Let's encourage, motivate and challenge each other for a clean home!


 All Spring and Summer, I have tried so hard to do my "Spring Cleaning".  But, with all of the kids home it seems impossible!  Now, my little babies are away at school for the day and I can focus on the chores at hand and give a proper deep clean before we are trapped inside for the winter.

  Don't overwhelm yourself. Start small.  And keep it FUN!

That my friend is easier said, then done.  I have been working on this blog entry for about a week and have struggled with how to approach this task.  Here is my brain storm:  let's make this a challenge!  We will all work together!  Each day we will assign a task or goal.  We can all encourage and motivate each other. 

Ok, where in the world do we begin?!  Before you feel defeated before you have already begun...start with a check list.  I know I have said this before, but I am a HUGE fan of those checklists.  There are all sorts of spring cleaning checklists online that are sorted by room.  Which really helps calm that feeling of being overwhelmed.

My first task is going to be my kitchen.  The reason for this is because it is the first room you see when you walk into my home.  So, the kitchen it is! I'll post before and after photos.  If you would like to share your results PLEASE feel free!  You can send them on Instagram, on Facebook or here on the comments section.

So let's get this party started!  Grab your buckets and your brooms and let's make our home sparkle!

Tomorrow, we will deep clean, the BATHROOM!

Picture from:  http://frisbeewind.blogspot.com/2010/11/thanksgiving-day-of-reading.html



