Feeling a Little Like Clark Griswold

Where oh where did my HOLIDAY SPIRIT go?!  Right around Thanksgiving I was so pumped up for the Holidays.  I couldn't wait to put up the tree and start cooking.  Thanksgiving came and it was awesome!  I think it was the best holiday we have had as a family ever.  But then Monday came and I just seem to have fizzled out.

I look around my house and it feels like such a mess.  I can't stand it at times.  I feel frustrated.  One thing that really gets to me, is I watch all of these people on YouTube, Facebook and Blogs and their homes look spotless!  Not a stray sock in sight!  Not a crumb....Everything is just where is should be and it looks awesome.  Then I stare at the disaster that is called "home".

I have three children.  Four if you count my husband.  I guess because I am a stay at home mom...It is assumed that I do ALL of the chores.  I think my favorite chore is to wash and fold laundry so that my kids can carry them to their rooms and throw them on the floor.  My eye is starting to twitch just thinking about it.  We have three  bathrooms - which everyone seems to fling toothpaste everywhere and throw their clothes on the floor before getting in the shower.  Dishes?  Why Mom will do those, just leave them on the table so she knows to pick them up.

So, today... I am determined to get things picked up around the house and actually do a little baking.  I will pump Christmas music through the house and drink some hot coco with mini marshmallows.  I will spark that Christmas spirit no matter what!  I will play Christmas Vacation on the big TV and find my inner Clark Griswold.  We will find the old fashioned Christmas spirit.

"Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny f@#king Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white @ss down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of @ssholes this side of the nuthouse". -Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase)
