I Resolve to get HEALTHY!

New Years Resolutions.  I've never taken them serious before.  I know how I am.  I am awful when it comes to things like that.  If I have to give up something, it's usually something I love.  And who wants to do that?!  Well, this year...I have decided that I do NOT love how out of shape I have become.  I'm to the point that I'm actually very concerned.  So, my New Years resolution is to get myself moving.

I'm not going to set some crazy goal like lose tons of weight...or cut out all sugar...or compete in a marathon.  I'm starting small.  I just need to get myself MOVING.  I work from home at my computer.  I've also starting blogging and that involves more sitting.  I do a lot of sitting.  I've also become this sort of hermit over the past few years.  I'm not sure why.  But, I rather enjoy the comfort of my own home.  I don't want to turn into an overweight woman who can't leave her home either.  So it is time for a change.

I look at myself and think...what have I done?  I feel horrible.  I look horrible.  I hate feeling so bad.

Here it is, January 3 and I'm finally making a baby step.  I made my coffee this morning and instead of having my usual...I've opted for a couple glass of WATER! Insane I know.  I've also reactivated my app on my phone, myfitnesspal.  I really like that app and highly recommend it.  It tracks all of your calorie intake, exercise, weight loss goal...you name it.  And I tend to have my phone with me where ever I go so it works out great.

As far as exercise goes.  That is going to be a struggle for me as well.  I just took a fitness class at our local community college and I quickly learned how out of shape I was.  My knees crunched and my back ached.  I was quickly out of breath and could barely walk my neighborhood.  I also invested in a heart rate monitor so that I can make sure that I'm reaching my target heart rate.
I plan on continuing to walk in my neighborhood.  One reason, it's low impact and easy to measure.  One lap in my development is a mile.  I've also invested in Zumba.  I've tried it a few times and that is when I really noticed the crunching in my knees.  But, it was fun and didn't feel like "work".  And that is important to me.  I have to enjoy it to get motivated to continue.  

I wanted to eat better as well.  THAT, is very hard.  I bought a juicer and hate it.  It's messy and just too big.  It takes up too much counter space and when it comes time to juice it just feels like a big production. I decided to switch to the Nutribullet.  
I have only used it a couple of times but I'm already excited about it.  So simple and easy to clean.  My eleven year old daughter even likes it!  She has created her own recipes and that makes me feel good that she is getting some fruits and vegetables in her diet.

I would love to hear how you are motivating yourself to get healthy too.  I often feel like i'm alone in this wild adventure....it would be amazing to share our struggles and offer support.

Here's to getting HEALTHY!
