The 15 Minute Clean Up Challenge

The 15 Minute Clean Up Challenge

I am pairing up with a couple of bloggers to calm the clutter in our homes with a simple 15 minute challenge!  
We will share our before and after pictures and you can join us and share your tips and struggles so that we can all make our homes a little more tidy.   Motherhood - What?! , The Color Coded Wife and MyMommyMadness are ready to see your amazing transformations!

If you are anything like me, I love a good challenge!  And do we have one for you!  We are challenging you to participate in our 15 Minute Clean Up Challenge and earn a chance to win a few handy prizes!

How do I enter for the GIVEAWAY?!

Simply fill in the information onto our Rafflecopter link below.

The Giveaway will run from April 10-17th.  Every comment you post with a picture gives you another opportunity to win a bunch of FREE CLEANING SUPPLIES!  Just in time for all of that Spring Cleaning!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
  • Find a room or task that you wish to CLEAN UP.
  • Take a before photo.
  • Set your timer...
  • And do the 15 Minute Clean Up!
  • When the timer has gone off, make sure you take an after photo and share your task!
We can't wait to see your motivating posts!
