It's Day 3 of #15toClean

Who doesn't like to get something FREE in the mail?!  Me and a few other bloggers, The Color Coded Life and Motherhood - What?!,  have put together a wonderful opportunity for you to win FREE cleaning supplies AND a gift card to Target!

All you have to do is go to the Rafflecopter below to enter.  If you participate in the #15toClean challenge you INCREASE your entries!

#15toClean Challenge - Share on Instagram

The challenge is simple and FUN!  Select an area you want to tackle.  Maybe your living room, junk drawer, or your entry way...take a quick before photo, set your timer for 15 minutes and GO.  See what you can accomplish is just a quick 15 minutes.  When the timer goes off...take your after photo and post it in the comments below!  Couldn't be easier AND you have one less thing to clean up today!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
